14 March 2016

Pi Day 2016

I recently wrote an article on the subject of whether we should use π (pi) or τ (tau) in circle related math.  As a refresher, π is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.  It turns out that in a majority of equations that use π, it is multiplied by 2.  A growing group of mathematicians and scientists is pushing to replace π with τ, which is just 2π.  They argue that this would simplify a lot of math and make geometry and trig significantly easier to learn.  This is probably true, but it addresses the problem from the wrong side.  I argue that π is not the problem.  The problem is that we have this unreasonable attachment to radius.  The reason for having to apply a multiple of 2 everywhere is not that π is the wrong value.  The reason is that π is a ratio of the diameter of a circle, but we always pair π with the radius, which requires a multiple of 2 to correct this.

There are a lot of different arguments for why we should use τ instead of π, but in the end, they are based on the idea that the radius is the natural way to measure a circle.  This comes from the idea that a circle is composed of an infinite number of infinitely small triangles, but while that is a valid representation, it is not actually true.  A circle is composed of a continuous, regular curve, with no straight lines anywhere.  Just as we would not try to define any other shape as the distance from the center to any point along its perimeter, radius is not the natural way to measure a circle.  Outside of mathematics and science, where it has become tradition to use radius, measuring merely half the width of an object is not something that is often useful.

The answer is not to switch from π to τ.  The answer is to use the natural measure of the size of a circle: diameter.  Some "tauists" claim that the decision of ancient civilizations to use diameter instead of radius was arbitrary.  If that is true though, then why did every civilization that set out to measure the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its size choose to use diameter instead of radius?  The answer is not chance.  The answer is that the choice was not arbitrary.  Diameter is the natural way to measure a circle.  To someone that has not been taught to measure a circle by radius, diameter is the obvious measure of size.

The fact is, replacing radius with diameter in circle equations simplifies them just as much as replacing π with τ, with the added benefit that new students will not be confused as to why we suddenly only care about half of the size of the circle.  Besides that, how does the average person measure the radius of a circle?  They measure the diameter and divide by two, because half a width is not a natural measurement to try to take!

In celebration of Pi Day, I bring you the following:

This is the real unit circle.  You will notice that one full turn is not equal to 2π.  This is because we are measuring in diameters instead of radians.  There is no need to redefine the circle constant when using diameter, because diameter is what it was made from!  Unfortunately, "diameterians" does not sound as good as "radians," so I propose just calling them "diameters."  That works just fine, since the circumference of a circle is, by definition, π diameters.  Besides that, I think "diameters" would be far less confusing to new students, as it does not sound like some kind of new unit like "radians" does.  (Be honest, how many of you struggled with radians, because it was not initially clear that radians are literally just the distance around the circle measured in radii?  Now, think about π diameters.  Without the fancy sounding name, it is much more clear what it means.)

Now, with my nice new diameter based unit circle in mind, here are some basic circle and sphere equations using diameter instead of radius:


Definition: d2 = 4(x2 + y2)
Circumference: πd
Area: 14πd2


Definition: d2 = 4(x2 + y2 + z2)
Surface Area: πd2
Volume: 16πd3

I considered adding some trig to this, but there is so much, and most of it is already so complex, that it would have taken a lot of algebra to reduce things down.  In short, I gave up.  This is a good taste though.

Here are some things I notice with the above.  First, in the circle equations, you can replace π with diameters (see the unit circle above) to find the values for partial circles.  For example, π2d will give you the circumference of half a circle (π2 diameters is halfway around the circle).  You can do something similar using τ with radius, but I just wanted to point out τ does not have an advantage here.  Now take a look at the circle circumference equation and the sphere surface area equation.  Notice the logical step from the first to the second?  Merely squaring the diameter promotes the equation to the analogous equation of the equivalent shape one dimension higher.  Area to volume is not so pretty, but sphere volume is simpler than its radius based version, and the additional factor of 4 on the circle area equation adds trivial complexity. (I made an algebra mistake in circle area.  It is fixed now.)  I also notice a similar progression with circle area to sphere volume, where the multiplier is 1/(2 * dimensions), and like circumference to surface area, the exponent is the number of dimensions of what we are measuring.  The sphere volume is simpler with diameter, and the circle area is only trivially more complex.  In fact, the only places that complexity is increased noticeably are the two standard form equations that are typically used as the definitions for circles and spheres, and outside of education, more general forms are typically used for these, which are so much more complex that the extra factor of 4 would not make any difference.

The big advantage τ has is that replacing a bunch of "2π"s in textbooks is much easier than doing the algebra required to simplify the equations when you swap r for d2.  If you aren't going to do it right though, what is the point of doing it at all?  It is true that teaching τ with radius will be easier than what we are doing now, but many students will still start off confused that we are measuring only half of the circle (and isn't one of the big "tauist" arguments that it is absurd that 1 π only gets us halfway around the traditional unit circle?).  Sticking with π, but using diameters instead of radians, means that we don't have to overthrow a constant that has been ingrained in mathematics over the course of many millenia.  We don't have to deal with teaching two constants just so students will be able to understand even recently written papers, not to mention all of the classical mathematics treatises.  It is a lot easier to teach students that r = d/2 than it is to get them to memorize two circle constants out to n digits just so they can work with math from different eras.  We also don't have to try to explain to students why we only care about half the width of a circle.  The only advantage τ has is convenience in fixing textbooks.  Using π with diameters just makes sense, even to those without a heavy mathematical background.

I hope you like my Pi Day celebration!  Give a few minutes to celebrate diameter today as well.


  1. I really like this idea, but I don't think it would work. The hardest part with changing what we have now is that people who like math are used to using pi. how could we ever get past that hurtle unless people were dying?

    1. I think you misunderstand what I am saying. I am in favor of keeping pi, but replacing r in most of the equations with d. There is a group that would prefer to replace 2pi with tau in all equations, but I think that they are misguided, despite their good intentions. I totally agree that changing from using pi would be hard, and further, it is not necessary to fix the problem that tau is supposed to fix.

  2. In tutoring entry level physics students I have indeed struggled with the difficulties you have mentioned. I agree that teaching geometry using diameter would simplify many of the equations. I would also like to point out that in an experimental setting, determining characteristics of spherical or cylindrical objects is almost always done by measuring the diameter with a caliper of some kind. This also supports your proposed replacement of radius with diameter because after making an experimental measurement one would not have to divide by 2 in every equation used.

    After reading your article I also thought of one possible downside to using diameter instead of radius: non-Cartesian coordinate systems. In the realm of physics it is often easier to solve difficult problems using spherical, polar, or cylindrical coordinate systems to take advantage of the symmetries that occur in many natural systems. The fact that there are not very many things in nature that are boxes but rather spheres, cylinders, or disks (ie. atoms, planets, electrical wires, tubes, orbits, static electric fields, gravitational fields, and magnetic fields). Both spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems are based on radius and not diameter. If the convention were changed to diameter from radius it would make many of the equations involved more difficult to use. It would also make conversions between different coordinate representations more difficult.

    In conclusion I can see some benefits to changing the conventional representation to diameter in place of radius, however I can also see some complications. Therefore, I cannot convince myself that the benefits would be worth the effort of making the change.

    If you disagree and/or can see flaws in my logic concerning non-Cartesian coordinate systems, I would love to be proven wrong!

    PS Thanks for sharing, I thoroughly enjoyed this article!

    1. Thank you for your well thought out response. I believe that you are correct that it would make spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems more difficult to use, but I think this deserves some attention. I will look into this if I can find some time.

      I actually think that we could easily keep radius for 3D systems where it is needed, and use diameter for systems that are not easier with radius. Introducing radius as a useful metric when it becomes relevant would still be better than starting with it, in my opinion.

      Again, thanks for the response. I'll see if I can prove you wrong on non-Cartesian coordinate systems!

    2. Ok, I briefly reviewed the spherical coordinate math. The problem is that the trig functions are triangle based, which inherently uses radius (this applies to polar/cylindrical coordinate systems as well). There might be some way to resolve this, but I believe it would require new versions of the trig functions. I had already considered this with reference to another problem (related to sine wave frequency math), and I do not think it would be reasonable to try (this does not mean I won't eventually try it though).

      Even if it was fairly simple to fix the trig functions to work with diameter instead of radius, it would be much more of an upset than merely trying to replace r with d. Any work I do on this will have to be purely academic, because no matter how successful it turns out, I cannot imagine that there is any change it would be adopted for any practical application.

      Honestly, I don't expect pi to be replaced with tau or radius to be replaced with diameter any time soon. I do think it is a valuable exercise challenging accepted convention though. Besides that, my math does show that there are some useful patterns that are not obvious when using radius, which means that there may be some value in following this idea to see what else we might be missing.

    3. Valid point concerning the triangle based trigonometry. I also recently discussed your article with one of my professors and he heartily agrees with the replacement of pi with tau. He also pointed out that many equations in quantum mechanics could be simplified by using tau. Planck's constant (denoted h) is often converted to h-bar... h-bar could be simplified to h over tau!
      My professor also agrees with you that despite the advantages of converting to tau (or diameter for that matter) it may never happen because the current pi-radius conventionality is so embedded in everything we do.

      thanks for your response!

      PS While we are putting things on the wish list I would like to also mention that I wish Ben Franklin would have called electrons positive charge instead of negative! It would have made understanding current a lot more intuitive!!

    4. We are homeschooling our kids, and I am seriously considering starting their geometry with diameter instead of radius. The reason I don't think this will be a disadvantage is that switching to radius later on will be pretty easy. I don't think it would work well if I tried this with tau.

      On Franklin, I totally agree. At this point, trying to switch would be a nightmare, but if it had been different from the beginning, it would be fine. This is probably equally true with using tau or diameter. Honestly, the biggest problem with pi and radius is that it is harder to learn. Besides that, we have managed for centuries despite the mismatch!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just read your article. It is true there are some advantages to use tau. However, I think it is pretty hard that pi to be replaced with tau because for instance, the area of circle = r^2(pi), if we change to tau, it will be r^2(tau/2). It looks like more complicated and is also hard to memorize for the people who just barely start to learn this.

    1. Tau does make the circle area formula more complicated. It makes a huge number of other equations less complicated though. There are only a few equations that use pi without and additional factor of 2. That said, I think you are missing the point of my article.

      I am not advocating for using tau. Switching to using tau would dramatically complicate learning geometry and other types of math where it has little value. Also, it would make it difficult for new students to understand older mathematical texts where pi is ubiquitous. The cost is far higher than any benefit.

      My argument is that we should not switch to tau. Nearly all of the problems that tau aims to solve are better solved by using diameter in the formulas, instead of radius. Because diameter are radius are not constants, there is no temptation to force students to memorize new constants, and the math for converting between them is trivial. Also, using diameter instead of radius reveals some useful logical progressions when looking at math for higher dimension circle analogs (as you may have noticed in my article).

      The only place where diameter fails is trigonometry, where circles are being treated as triangle fans instead of continuous curves. I believe there is a way to reconcile this, but I am not sure it is useful.

      For me, what it comes down to is what makes sense. Radius as the default circle measurement does not make sense, and the evidence indicates that it really never made sense until we started teaching it on a large scale. Every ancient civilization measured circles by diameter, which is why we use pi instead of tau. Using radius does make sense for trig, because trig describes circles as composites of another shape, where distance from the center to the edge is more important than overall width. What it comes down to though is that switching between diameter and radius depending on context makes far more sense than trying to work around tau or even switch between tau and pi.

      Also, just for the record, tau is no more difficult to memorize than pi. The real problem is that everyone would have to memorize both, or they would not be able to understand all of the pi based math in the plethora of historical math publications.
