04 October 2013

Obamacare, worst fears realized

The worst fears of Obamacare have been realized.  For anyone that has not heard, President Obama has authorized, according to most sources, over 1,100 waivers to parts of Obamacare.  Despite the several years given to phase in Obamacare requirements, many businesses, including Congress, have chosen to wait to the last minute, and they have found it impossible to overcome the hurdles caused by their own procrastination.  To ease their self imposed pain, Obama granted various waivers that range from extensions on deadlines, to charging taxpayers for the costs, to general waivers of the individual mandate.

Having not read Obamacare (an impossible task for any working person, including the Congressmen who voted it into law), I do not know exactly what part of it allows this, but one thing is clear: the claims made that Obamacare is too open ended are true.  One of the biggest fears voiced in the original debate over Obamacare was that it was loaded with open ended government authority allowing for very broad interpretation.  Otherwise stated, it gave the government too much power without any explicit limitation.  Now, we find that Obamacare seems to allow the President to change it on a whim.  This is very disturbing, because it essentially allows the President, the head of the Executive branch of government, to make legislative decisions without any approval by the Legislative branch of government.  Republican members of Congress are trying to do something about this, but evidently the Senate Democrats prefer to give the President unfettered power, violating the principal of checks and balances that has kept our government stable and free for the last couple centuries, even if it means denying U.S. citizens valuable government services.

Now, there is another possibility.  Above I give the President the benefit of the doubt, and I lay the blame entirely on Congress for giving him this power.  Since I have not read Obamacare though, I am not actually certain that it grants this power.  If it does not, the situation is much more severe.  If Obamacare does not grant the President the right to exempt people and organizations from it, then Obama is usurping legislative power from Congress.  First, this is unconstitutional, and since Obama is under oath to uphold the Constitution, he should be thrown from office for violating his oath.  Second, I consider this blatant violation of Constitutional law, especially by the President of the United States who is sworn to uphold the Constitution, to be treason.  The penalty for treason is death.

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