23 October 2011

Class Warfare

Mitt Romney made a statement essentially accusing the Occupy Wall Street movement of inciting class warfare. I find this interesting, given the fact that one basis of our original government was that it was a classless system. How then, if our government is supposed to be a classless system, can Romney claim that any political movement within the US could be inciting class warfare?

This actually brings up a much deeper problem within our society and government. The very existence of social classes within our society is in opposition to the basic precepts of the US Constitution. If anything can incite class warfare in the US, then our system is deeply flawed. The problem is not that anyone or anything is inciting class warfare, but the fact that class warfare is even possible. Instead of attacking those "inciting class warfare," we need to be questioning the existence of social classes in our society in the first place. If we were living in a truly classless system, class warfare would not even be possible. Occupy Wall Street is justified, by the entire concept of the US government, in inciting class warfare against any social class that believes that they are above another (or that even sees themselves as a separate social class). The upper class should not exist. The lower class should also not exist. How then is it that distinct social classes have come to exist within our society?

Our founding fathers left Europe for two reasons: first, to gain religious freedom, and second, to escape the oppressive class system that allowed the upper aristocratic classes to lord over the the less fortunate. They created a government system designed to allow each person an equal chance in life. They swore off the social and financial class systems of the European nations and designed the new government system to not tolerate classes. However, as our society has evolved, our government has not. The old system worked fairly well for the technology and knowledge of that day. Now though, we have much more complex economical systems that are not sufficiently covered by the old system. In the old system there have been found many loopholes that have allowed social classes to reappear. We now have the ability and power, which was not had in the past, to fix this problem. Unfortunately, our current government does not have the ethics of our founding fathers. Our founding fathers actually cared about the people they governed. Our current government does not.

We need a government that will eliminate social classes. We need a government that will listen to the people and do the will of the people, not the will of the companies or the will of the 1% of the population that is rich. Many people in Europe immigrated to the US to escape oppressive social classes. We do not have the luxury of a place to run to, to escape oppression. We have been backed up against a wall by an oppressive government that is allowing itself to be controlled by an oppressive social class that should not even be allowed to exist. The peaceful protests of Occupy Wall Street should be taken by our government as the warning hiss of a cornered wild cat. Guess what will come next?

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